Journal a Day January 2023: 31 Journal Prompts to Invite Reflection and Growth

It’s January–time for fresh starts, self-reflection, and journaling!

I have journaled with more or less regularity throughout the majority of my life. But even though I have never not journaled, I haven’t always had a daily practice. This past year I journaled morning and night every day even when all I had to say was, “I have nothing to say.” This ritual has become an essential part of my life and I think it is one that everyone can benefit from.

Maybe you are an avid journaler or maybe you’ve never written in one before–regardless, I offer you an invitation. Together, let’s journal every day this month–a January journaling journey.

Most of the prompts are questions for you to answer. Some of them will direct you to write a letter to yourself (I encourage you to speak to yourself like you would a dear friend). Others will ask you to describe an event or experience in detail. The gratitude prompts are repeated three times throughout the month because I believe a regular gratitude practice is important.

As you answer these questions, I encourage you to give as much detail as possible. Let the prompts lead you to other places. They are simply a starting point for your reflection, a spark, an opportunity for further expansion.

If you skip a day or two, you can always jump back in. This journey is yours alone. Feel free to pick and choose prompts as they speak to you. There is no wrong or right way to journal.

Journal A Day January 2023 Journal Prompts

  1. What would I like to feel like on this day next year?

  2. How can I practice kindness to myself this year?

  3. What am I proud of accomplishing last year?

  4. What do I want to continue doing that I did last year?

  5. What would I like to change from last year?

  6. What am I grateful for?

  7. What can I celebrate from this first week of 2023?

  8. Is there anything holding me back from becoming the person I want to be?

  9. Is there anything holding me back from living the life I want to lead?

  10. Write a letter to your younger self in which you tell them how they would be proud of you.

  11. Who in my life do I most admire? What traits do I share with this person?

  12. Describe your ideal life in detail.

  13. What can I do to show myself more love?

  14. What can I do to show others more love?

  15. When I was a kid what did I want to be? Am I doing that now? Why or why not?

  16. What am I grateful for?

  17. What values do I hold most dearly?

  18. Is the life I am living aligned with my values?

  19. What small things can I do to add more joy into my life?

  20. Write a letter to your future self in which you share with them your hopes for them.

  21. What did I do today that I am proud of?

  22. Describe your ideal day in detail.

  23. If I could go back in time and live one day over, what would it be and why?

  24. What can I release that no longer serves me?

  25. What do I want to prioritize in the last week of this month?

  26. What am I grateful for?

  27. What small things can I do to add more peace into my life?

  28. What one word do I feel most represented my 2022?

  29. What one word do I want to guide my 2023?

  30. Write a letter to yourself in which you tell yourself what you most admire about yourself.

  31. How was I successful this month?

Download Journal A Day January 2023 Journal Prompts Calendar

Happy writing! I hope that journaling every day this month brings you peace, joy, and growth.


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